Dubnový slevový kód
Využijte slevu na ubytování v pokojích KOMFORT nebo apartmánech FREEDOMEK
Prices and reservation
Poptávka firemní akce
Hotel Termal Mušov is a hotel complex situated on the bank of the Novomlýnské lakes with a beautiful view of Pálava and unique geothermal water. Accommodation is available in 3 categories, including Freedomek apartments.
The hotel premises have a garden design and relaxation zone. Your children will love the aquapark next to the hotel. Explore Pálava, it's beautiful nature and rich history. Enjoy, explore, experience Pálava - a paradise for bike rides, wine lovers as well as romantic souls.
Využijte slevu na ubytování v pokojích KOMFORT nebo apartmánech FREEDOMEK
For our guests, we offer 10% discount on Aqualand Moravia tickets.
Balíček pro 2 osoby se 2 vstupenkami do Aqualandu Moravia
4 dny se snídaní a 3 hod. wellness každý den pro 2 osoby
Take a break during the week.
Výhodná permanentka do wellness na 10 vstupů na 1 hodinu